Robotic Process Automation

Automate your processes for maximum efficiency


PDF Data extraction using OCR

We are excited to announce the successful development and implementation of our cutting-edge Robotic Process Automation (RPA) bot, designed to streamline and automate critical tasks related to email processing. This innovative bot efficiently handles the extraction and utilization of information from emails, saving significant human effort and optimizing workflow efficiency.

Our RPA bot showcases its prowess by performing the following tasks seamlessly:

  • Automated Email Filtering
  • PDF Attachment Download
  • Google OCR Recognition
  • Integration
  • MS Word template update

1Email2Google OCR3monday4MS Word

OCR bot benefits

With an impressive execution time of only 20 seconds per email, our RPA bot ensures swift and timely processing, accelerating the overall email handling process The implementation of this RPA bot results in a remarkable 90% or more reduction in human effort. Repetitive and time-consuming tasks that were previously handled manually can now be completed effortlessly by the bot.
In conclusion, our RPA bot represents a major breakthrough in process automation, significantly reducing human effort, improving workflow efficiency, and increasing productivity.

1BetterPerformance2Human EffortReduction3Improved workflowefficiency

Monthly report generation

This RPA bot specially designed to extract monthly report generation from web data. With its advanced capabilities, the bot seamlessly retrieves CSV files from multiple agencies' web portals and efficiently consolidates the information into a comprehensive and user-friendly monthly report in Excel format.

Key Features:

  • Automated Web Data Retrieval
  • Dynamic CSV File Handling
  • Data Consolidation
  • Excel Report Generation
  • Customizable Output

1Web AutomationLoginFilter agency detailsDownload CSV report2File ProcessingConsolidate all CSVfiles to excelZip files into 1 file3Email ProcessingSend emailwith zippedfile attachment

Integration with Hubspot CRM

Our team has successfully developed a highly efficient and automated RPA bot for seamless integration with HubSpot, a popular customer relationship management (CRM) platform. This advanced workflow is designed to handle email data with specific subjects, intelligently extracting relevant information from the email body. Utilizing the extracted data, the RPA bot creates new contacts within HubSpot with utmost precision, ensuring that no crucial details are overlooked. For existing contacts in the HubSpot database, the bot intelligently generates new deals, facilitating streamlined sales and business development processes.
It has achieved significant time and resource savings, enabling the team to focus on high-value tasks and strategic decision-making. RPA bot for HubSpot integration is a game-changer, significantly improving operational efficiency, data accuracy, and customer relationship management.

1EmailRead Email withspecific subject2Text extractionwithout OCRExtract specificinformation fromemail body3HubspotRegister new contactCreate new dealfor existing contact